
Inevitable Death - Reader to Yveltal TF/MC

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DatAwesomeCottonee's avatar

Literature Text

You walk along the sidewalk of a rich, suburban neighborhood, watching the pink clouds in the distance. You just came out of the doctor’s office for a check-up, and thankfully, it seems you’re healthy as a horse. It’s beginning to get dark, though, and you still have a long way to walk. The direction you’re walking is directly toward the sun, so you can see that it’s beginning to get quite low.

As you watch the sun setting below the horizon, you notice how vividly pink and orange the clouds around it are becoming. It’s by far the brightest sunset you’ve ever seen, and definitely one of the prettiest.

You begin to slow down as you watch the sun, staring at the shining clouds. Even though you don’t usually stop in the middle of the street to admire sunsets, something about this particular sunset is drawing you to it. For some reason, you just can’t look away from it. You stand there, admiring its beauty, and get a strange feeling that this sunset is specially made just for you. It’s facing directly towards you, and it’s far brighter than any sunset you’ve ever seen before. It almost seems like it’s not a natural sunset…

Your suspicions are confirmed as you see that the bright colors are actually getting more vivid the more the sun sets. And as the sun begins to disappear, the colored sky suddenly begins to glow white! In an instant, that white light suddenly wavers and shifts, forming one giant diamond shape in the sky. It all happened so quickly, you weren’t even sure what happened. But before you could even process what you just witnessed, you see it changing again.

You are taken aback when the diamond suddenly unfolds, right before your eyes! In a split second, the white light fades, revealing a red… Y? A black and red Y-shape appears to hover in the sky for a second, before it starts vigorously flapping its wings.

You can already tell they’re wings because the red bird thing is flying directly at you at an alarming speed. In the few seconds you see it flying towards you, you can make out black horns on its head, matching black claws on its wings and tail, and blue eyes that pierce directly into you.

You try to run away from it, but before you can even turn around, it lets out a cry.

It is a hideous cry… you can hear the dark, foreboding tone of the monster ready to consume you, but you also hear a million high-pitched screams of what sounds like its previous victims, none of which sound the least bit human. The cry sounds like an embodiment of all the pain, hardship, and tragedy in the world. Its cry is so horrible that, upon hearing it, the world around you goes black.

As your eyes become adjusted to the darkness around you, your stomach drops are you realize you’re floating in a void of pulsating black and red. The entire world that you had been a living in just seconds ago just… disappeared. The sheer nothingness all around you is extremely unsettling, to say the least, and you still haven’t fully recovered from the ear-piercing cry that brought you here.

“I apologize that I had to bring you here by such violent means.”

A deep, booming voice reverberates throughout the void, sending chills down your spine. You turn around, and let out a short yelp when you see the ginormous red creature staring down at you.

It doesn’t move or say anything, instead it just... watches you. It studies you, seemingly taking note of all the details of your physique. You become increasingly uncomfortable just floating there as it watches you intently, but you dare not move. You have an overwhelming feeling that if you move, it will kill you.

“Oh ho ho… do not be afraid. I have no intention of harming you.”

You gasp.

“You need not speak, mortal. I can read your thoughts. Do not speak or move. You must listen very carefully to what I am telling you. I assume you are wondering why you are here.”

You nod, not saying a word.

“You have quite a few questions, it seems. I expected that. I must warn you that I will not answer all of your questions. There are some things you must learn on your own.”

You’re a little annoyed at his refusal to cooperate, but you decide to let it be.

“My name is Yveltal. I am sure you have heard my name before. I am what you humans call the ‘Angel of Death.’”

You start shaking like a leaf at the sound of that, but continue to force yourself to stand at attention and listen.

“Yes, it is true that you are now… gone from your own realm. However, you need not fear. You are special, you see, hence why I brought you here personally. No other soul has had the privilege of venturing here.”

Learning about your own death is a strange feeling. Your mind doesn’t seem to know how to react to the news. Your heart sinks, but other than that, you’re surprised by how little you react.

“The reason I’ve brought you here is quite simple. I may not look like it, but I have grown quite frail over the past thousand years. It may seem hard to believe, but I have only a fraction of the strength I had when I was young. As such, the universe has no need for me anymore. It requires a replacement.”

The word “replacement” has never before sounded more menacing.

“Yes, as you probably suspect… that replacement is you.”

You think about your fate. The new Angel of Death… just thinking about it evokes too many emotions to count. Like before, you’re still too afraid to speak.

“I expected for you to react this way… I understand why you are reluctant, but you cannot change your fate. Think… if I let you go, and you were to return to your previous world, where would you go?”

He doesn’t give you any time to respond.

“You could not go anywhere. Once a soul leaves a body, it may never return. You would be stuck in a state of existing while simultaneously not existing on Earth. Is that really what you want your eternal fate to be?”

You sigh in resignation. It’s the “eternal” part that gets to you. You can’t possibly imagine living that way forever. Still, you also don’t want to accept an eternal fate of being Death.

As soon as you think that, Yveltal’s eyes suddenly grow much more intense.

“Do not even think about resisting me, you foolish mortal! You are already dead! You have nothing to lose by taking my place!”

His voice is growing louder, more angry, sounding more and more like that bone-chilling scream that brought you here.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been searching for a compatible body and soul to pass on my form to!? I have been searching for millennia, in universes far from your own, far beyond your tiny human comprehension!! I am only days away from fading away completely, and you’re the only suitable person to pass on my form to!! I have already made the decision for you, and anything you say matters not to me!!!”

All of a sudden, Yveltal becomes completely calm once more, as if his outburst had never happened. He then closes his eyes, and begins to mumble something barely audible.

You try to lean a little closer to hear what he’s saying, but you feel some sort of weird sensation at your toes. You look down, and see crystal… growing. Some sort of clear crystal is literally sprouting right beneath your feet and growing upward, quickly moving up past your face. It meets in four corners at the top, sealing you inside a diagonal glass cocoon. You recognize this diagonal shape… it was the same shape that appeared in front of the sunset.

You begin to panic as his words become louder. You begin to make out what he’s saying, and it’s not human language.

“...sehoct illud attreigh pro carcerepraiy suum-lingumeam…”

As he utters this under his breath, you feel a sharp pain in your chest. You keel over in pain, almost smacking your head on the glass wall in front of you. The enclosed cocoon is restricting your movement, but you can see your torso changing color. It bright red feathers grow all over your chest, with a thin, black line right through the middle. The feathers also spread to your back where it abruptly shift from red to black. You can hear the sickening sounds of your ribs and spine dislocating and relocating into new, uncomfortable positions, but the pain you experience is so great that it causes you to shriek in agony.

“...latlevy ilatrom cah ni nurt est mors necesse essecen mors…”

The feathers grow and spread, shifting your shoulder blades and making their way onto your arms. Your arms feel as though they’re filling out with a newly found strength, stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before… and with that strength, they begin to grow. They grow not only in muscle, but in length as well, stretching to be as long as your entire body. You can see the blood red feathers and black veins on your forearms, with the black feathers and grey spots on the other side. What shocks you the most, though, are your fingers. As your hands bulk up along with the rest of the arm, your fingers disappear as well… but not completely. The fingernails blacken and grow outward, stretching and sharpening into razorlike claws that could tear anything to shreds effortlessly.

“...traimest silimis morsarev east non-vera nullaspes estest-nunc…”

Just as you’re recovering from the pain of the arms, the pain in your legs grows ten times worse. You initially expect them to bulk up like your arms did, but they do the exact opposite. They painfully shrivel up and shrink further and further into your body, becoming so skinny that it feels as if there’s no muscle in them at all. They’re nothing but shortened stubs of bones covered in the same blood-colored feathers. Your feet shrink away along with it, but two bony toes stretch outward, as the nails grow into sharp white claws. Strangely, you can also feel a third claw growing on your heel. Your feet are now more akin to talons at this point, disappointingly short compared to your arms… or you should say, wings.

“...sicut nudaquaedam-enken abu pullum pulmenti boub calitia…”

You thought the worst pain you had ever experienced in your life was when your legs were shrinking into you, but you’re now being proved wrong yet again. Your lower spine once again begins to shift, but this time, it seems to be adding vertebrae further and further down your backside… and then an entirely new limb begins to grow in. It’s a tail. It’s as thick muscular as your wings, and extremely painful growing in. Growing a new limb is an incredibly strange sensation. A new, moveable bone is added to it every second, so it feels a lot like a leg that fell asleep that you’re slowly and painfully gaining control of. Before you know it, your tail is as long as your wings, and the five claws grew in sometime during the process as well.

“...egonin hacremalo perficere erecifpa-noner poterit egotait hichodie…”

With that, the last of your body that hasn’t been transformed yet falls victim, much to your sadness. The red feathers and black veins climb up your neck and in seconds your head is completely engulfed. You grit your teeth in pain as your skull shifts and cracks, as your face loses all of the features that made it identifiable as human. Your jaw stretches out beyond your lips and become a black beak, while your mouth itself has become infused with your chin, moving your mouth to the bottom of your face. As this happens, gritting your teeth becomes much easier as your jaw gains additional strength that your new body seems to have an excess supply of. Your teeth themselves completely disappear, but you’re not sure if eating is even required in this new form. The black markings continue to cover the remaining parts of your face, as two large, sharp horns not unlike your claw-fingers grow from the top of your head where your hair used to be. At last, the pain begins to die down as you feel your eyes filling out with something.

You gasp with relief and open your eyes wide, revealing the same bright blue, demonic eyes that so terrified you beforehand. Instinctively, you shriek, letting out the same, horrific, non-human cry that you heard right before you died.

Your transformation has been so painful that you don’t have enough energy to cry anymore. You continue to gasp for air, praying that the transformation is finally over.

“You need not worry, it is all over.”

You look up into the eyes of the other Yveltal, surprised by how much smaller he looks now that you and him are the same size.

“My time here is done. I leave the rest to you.”

With that parting message, he closes his eyes, and closes himself up into a cocoon of his own. In a moment, he disappears. It’s very peculiar to watch. One second the cocoon is there, and the next, it’s… not.

Suddenly, a cloud of black fog seems to materialize right where the Yveltal used to be. It looks extremely ominous, and you can almost see something inside of it, but before you get a good look at it, it suddenly flies off into the sky! It seems to have a mind of its own.

You look up, and in a flash, you see it descend down upon your cocoon. It quickly spins around it, too fast for you to get a good look at. As it spis faster and faster, it seems to grow in size, quickly covering your line of vision. Within seconds, the black cloud has completely engulfed your cocoon.

Feeling both confused and afraid, you stare deep into the cloud. You don’t exactly have much else to look at aside from your own body, which is the one thing you don’t want to look at right now.

As you stare longer and longer into the dark cloud, you feel yourself beginning to calm down. You just continue to gaze inside the cloud, and before long, you begin to see a figure of some kind, staring back at you. It seems to mimic your movements, and as you focus your sights on it, you suddenly catch glimpse of two blue lights. They stand out immensely against the black background, seemingly forcing you to look at them as a result.

As you continue to gaze into the lights, the full figure suddenly comes into focus, and you realize that it’s your own reflection, and those bright blue lights were your own eyes. However, something about this reflection seems off to you. You’re not sure why, but somehow you can tell that this Yveltal is much more evil and hateful than you are. Something about those eyes are telling you that this creature in front of you knows no mercy, and laughs at silly things such as compassion and forgiveness. It is the very embodiment of cruelty itself.

All of a sudden, right in front of your eyes, you watch in horror as Yveltal’s claw… your own claw, slashes through a person’s neck, completely decapitating them!

You blink, and your vision returns to your reflection. There was no mistaking what you just witnessed, though. Your heart's still pounding from it. In just half a second, right in front of your eyes, you vividly saw a person being decapitated by your own will. You slashed their neck clean off, and blood was spewing everywhere! You… You killed someone.

You continue to stare at your demonic reflection. Is that what you’re destined to do from now on? To kill people in the most horrific ways imaginable? Is it right to kill someone like that?

Your blue eyes pulsate red for a second, then return to the vivid blue.

You think a little deeper, and realize how obvious the answer to that question is. Yes, of course killing people is okay if it’s your job to kill people. Death is a natural part of the life cycle. There would be nothing but chaos if there was no death.

You breathe fire onto a person, completely incinerating them in an instant.

You’re a bit shocked by this once again, but before you become too traumatized at what you just witnessed, you force yourself to think about the logistics of death. Death is a natural part of the life cycle. It is needed to maintain balance in the world.

Your eyes turn red, then back to blue again.

That person probably deserved to die anyway. No man is without sin. Nobody is truly “innocent”. Death is something that all humans…

Your eyes turn red, then back to blue again.

… all mortals deserve. Idiotic mortals live out their useless lives as if everything is okay, pretending that death does not exist. Then, when death finally comes to them, they foolishly never see it coming, even though they should have known it all along!

You dig your claw directly into a person’s heart, spraying blood everywhere.

You’re not as fazed by this as you thought you would be. You’re now completely indifferent to it. Sure, it’s sad that they died, but at the same time, it kind of serves them right.

Red… blue.

Yeah, it serves them right. Those stupid mortals were always just wasting the time on their land, never doing anything with the limited lives they’re given! They’re worth killing just to see the looks on their faces when they realize what little they did with their life.

You use your mighty claws to slash five deep gashes right into a person’s torso!

You can’t help but smirk when you watch this. You’re only now realizing how much power this new form has given you. You feel stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before… your mind feels sharper than it’s ever been before… you feel more alive right now than any mortal could ever feel!

Red… blue.

Now you finally understand. Mortals are nothing more than bugs to you now. Needless things, to be crushed. Death is the only way to teach them a valuable lesson about their own mortality, and then they’ll certainly have a lot of time to reflect on their past life when you’re done with them.

Another death by your claws, another splash of blood. Then comes another… and another… and another…

You’ve never before felt so much power… it’s one thing to have huge amounts of strength, but using it all just gives you such a rush… and along with it, you get the joy of showing all these mortals who’s boss!

You snicker a little as you murder more and more victims, violently slashing at them all and breathing fire from your mouth, bringing upon them the death and destruction that they so readily deserve.

You laugh harder, for the more you do it, the better it feels. You feel alive, like your existence finally has a purpose! And as you dirty your claws with more and more blood, you finally realize something… your existence DOES have a purpose now!

You laugh even harder, more hysterically and joyfully than you’ve ever laughed before. You finally understand everything.

Mustering up all your strength, you smash free of your cocoon’s walls and fly up into the air, laughing the whole way through, until you let out your satisfyingly fearsome cry.

As you let out that cry, the black cloud becomes drawn to you, flying all around your body before settling around your neck, turning itself into a light grey scarf of clouds. And with that, you are at last complete.

You are Yveltal. That is your only name. You had a name when you were an imperfect mortal, but you’ve forgotten it long ago. Your only purpose is destruction… taking lives away, bringing pitiful little mortal souls into the underworld.

Death is inevitable for all.
The first half of this story was written over a month ago. I only just now got around to finishing the other half. HUGE thanks to :iconrattleandbolt: for giving me some ideas and finally encouraging me to finish this. I probably never would've gotten around to finishing it if it wasn't for you.

I guess you can take this story as an early Christmas gift for my watchers, whom I am so, very grateful for. I wish I could do more for you guys, no matter how few of you there are, but I'm afraid I just can't bring myself to write enough, and I just don't have enough resources to do anything else.

As for future stories... I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. If I ever write another story for this site, it will probably not be for several months. It's very likely that I will not write any more stories at all... I just don't feel inspired or motivated anymore, and my life's only going to get busier from here on out.

I'll still visit this site for a little while... but it may only be a few more months before I grow tired and move on. I've deactivated this account once before, when I felt ashamed at what I had written. I may end up deactivating my account again when it comes time to enter the workforce, and I'll have to leave my teenage memories behind. So, copy/paste my stories somewhere while you still can.

Thank you guys for everything. My future remains uncertain, but I still wish you all the best.
© 2016 - 2024 DatAwesomeCottonee
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Alphathebird1720's avatar

I would like to think that is the Backstory for a Villain.

Tell ya what, There would be a Purple Yveltal, Split into two different beings.

This would be one of the beings, Pure evil.

The other, Trying to be peaceful.